
Deepening Study · The Cacao Elder Spirits

Cacao Mama Deepening Study

The Cacao Elder Spirits


Meet the Alchemist, the Weaver, the Visionary, and the Cacao Mother

For Deepening & Expansion


A Samhain Online Course in 5 Modules

November 07 - December 05, 2024

In English with Serap Kara

The Intention

The cacao spirit is a mystery. In cacao ceremony, the human heart opens compassionately, tender voices tell of a new world, loving embraces strengthen the back, roots grow magically into the earth and sometimes a desire arises to re-establish a lost connection to the cosmic realms. The shapeshifting cacao spirit combines soul images that are reminiscent of archetypes, highly individual yet universal.

Do these qualities originate from the heart or do they flow into it? The heart, the origin and sustainer of life, gateway to love, seat of wisdom, ocean of possibilities. The heart houses source vibration available for new creation and play, potential, timeless creativity, abundance and connection to other humans and life forms. The past and the future meet and create space for everything that was, is and will be.

The cacao collective live inside of you and offer soul images to know yourself. The cacao seed tells a tale of a journey into the Underworld, where the cacao tree grows into the heart of the earth, becomes one with its environment, in exchange, communication, negotiation and co-creation. Stories of Cacao used in rites of passage reveal entry points to the subtle realms of the Otherworld, and the Gods. It's all inside of you.

With a soft gaze, we'll find coloured threads dancing in the oceanic vastness of Cacao's sacred heart tribe, held and spun by Cacao Elders who guard entire landscapes, move up and down, back and forth between the visible and invisible worlds, between the ancient and the future. Are you ready to meet yourself in Cacao's heart and soul space?

The Course

With Samhain a sacred portal to the Otherworld opens, inviting introspection and magic. In this 5-week deepening-course, you will be guided into the vast landscape of the Cacao Spirit to deepen your innerstanding and expand into new ways of dreaming with and for the Cacao Collective. We'll visit four portals guarded by four Cacao Elder Guides: The Alchemist, the Weaver, the Visionary, and the Cacao Mother. In an interactive weaving space you’ll get to ask for guidance, invite an Elder to accompany you and dive deeper into the mysteries of the Cacao Collective. This course combines a virtual classroom, five live online ceremonies, and inspiring tools to expand within your ritual practice. 

About Serap Kara

The deepening course is led by Serap Kara whose teaching has been rooted in a dedicated service to Cacao for over thirteen years. Serap's nahual (Maya Astrology) is Kawok, the sign of the healer and midwife, which holds the energy of the storm, symbolised by the turtle. Serap's approach is earth-rooted and stellar, warm, kind, and supportive. Serap creates finely-tuned spaces to root into trust, remember our innate wisdom and give ourselves permission, so that we remember our power and natural state of Spirit connection. The past three years, Serap went through a major rite of passage, travelled to the Underworld to sit with the Elders to being able to creating this offering. 


We will turn to the landscapes of the Alchemist, the Weaver, the Visionary, and the Cacao Mother to express gratitude, mark a transitional phase, ask for clarity, enhanced creativity, and to actively dream the cycles of human life. Then we will turn to the centre. Here your journey expands into your sacred heart and the embodiment of cacao medicine.

Your Connection to Cacao

Feeling into your relationship with the Cacao Spirit, what are some of the most powerful sensations or imprints?

I feel motherly held and lovingly touched.
I am inspired and creatively activated.
I sense a presence, masculine or feminine.
I receive visions and long forgotten memories of myself.
I get in touch with my sixth sense and intuition.

I remember my connection to the natural world.

I can easily connect with the earth and all sentient beings.

I feel a deep sense of belonging.
My sacred heart awakens.

I want to innerstand.

In our 5-week deepening-course, we will be guided by four Cacao Elders into the heart of the Cacao Collective to deepen our innerstanding, and expand into new ways of dreaming with and for the Cacao Collective.

Your commitment & dedicated time

The deepening study is an interactive weaving space, open to all genders, where you’ll receive a transmission for each Cacao Elder to learn with and pray for, explore Cacao's alchemy on body, soul and spirit, and review historical and current day practices around the Cacao medicine. 


Commit to being in service to a weekly practice, share with others in the group, witness and be witnessed and receive tools to open and close portals to travel the spiritual dimension safely, and to enhance your ritual practice.

The deepening  study opens on Solar Samhain November 7, 2024, and concludes on December 5, 2024 with an integration and embodiment practice.


Five Live Sessions, every Thursday, 90 minutes each, recorded and made available afterwards

  • November 7, 14, 21, 28
  • December 5

10am LA · 1pm New York · 6pm London · 7pm Berlin - 7am NZ

Investment & Value


The tuition fee for the four-week comprehensive deepening study is EUR 225*. The fee includes:

  • 7,5 hours of live video ceremonies with Serap Kara - recorded and made available afterwards
  • 1 hour pre-recorded "Cacao Spirit Rising" audio introduction
  • Tools for cleansing, opening, closing portals as text and/or audio
  • Heart Coherence Meditation held by Rhiannon Silver-Gilmore
  • An interactive classroom for reflection, sharing and guidance
  • A 10% discount on Ceremonial Cacao in the Cacao Mama store during the course

*Cacao Mama Students who have participated in a Medicine Circle, a Facilitator Training, the Cacao Guardian or the Medicine Woman training receive a EUR 45 off the tuition fee. Please send us an email to receive a discount code to be redeemed at checkout.

Meet Serap Kara

My name is Serap Kara, and I’m the founder and guardian of Cacao Mama, the Earth School and co-founder of the Cacao Gardener Initiative. My medicine heart beats in rhythm with Pachamama and the heart of the forest. I'm an entrepreneur, medicine woman, moon dancer, teacher and midwife for a new consciousness to be anchored in this here and now.


The Cacao Collective has been working through me since 2011, and I'm weaving the medicine with love, respect and integrity. When I met the Cacao Spirit for the first time they shared with me: 'We want to be golden again'. This has been Cacao Mama's mission since the founding. Cacao Mama is for the lovers, the tenders, the teachers, healers, speakers and ambassadors in and outside of you.


I've shared the space with people from all around the world and all walks of life in hundreds of ceremonies, medicine circles and learning experiences. I love to create finely tuned spaces to root into trust and give ourselves permission, so that we remember our natural state of Spirit connection and the way of ceremony to be in service to a greater harmony.


The Cacao Consciousness is rising and new levels of information for embodied experience is available. The Cacao Elder course had been in my heart for some time, but I needed to journey through the Underworld and sit with the Elders to being able to creating this offering. Now is the time to raise our consciousness and align with the universal altar of cacao. 

This course can assist you to

cacao mama medicine woman jungle fairy cosmic heart cacao crown illustration

⊹ deepen your relationship with Cacao Spirit in a held space

⊹ explore different qualities that are alive in the Cacao energy

⊹ root into the medicine and trust your intuition

⊹ share with cacao lovers, witness and be witnessed

⊹ receive guidance for your Cacao circles & rituals

⊹ ask questions and receive clarity on your Cacao path

⊹ strengthen your connection to the natural world

This course is not for you if you

cacao mama medicine woman jungle fairy cosmic heart cacao crown illustration

⊹ are taking your first step with the Cacao Spirit

⊹ have a busy schedule & no time to participate in person

⊹ want to learn how to facilitate a Cacao Ceremony


cacao mama cacao tree young cacao pod red
cacao mama fresh cacao beans purple hands offering
cacao mama cacao tree cacao flower

I have no experienceS with WOrKING WITH THE Cacao SPIRIT. Can I participate Anyway?

In the deepening study  we tend to the inner landscape to meet archetypal energies that dwell within the Cacao Consciousness. We recommended that you have established a relationship with Sacred Cacao, so you feel empowered to discern, which aspect of the Cacao Collective is speaking to you. 

Does this course offer insights into serving ceremonial Cacao?

We won't discuss the specifics of serving ceremonial Cacao but weave experiences with the medicine along the course. We would like to point you to the Ceremony Training if you wish to learn the art of serving Ceremonial Cacao. 


Each registration is for one person to be part of the course. If others would like to participate, please encourage them to register separately. We ask that you do not to share the materials (workbook, audio files, meditations) with other people.



You will have access to the classroom and the materials for an entire year until November 7, 2025. 


The Medicine Woman course is a truly enlightening, reflective and supportive path. Serap is an incredible guide - she is so steeped in the knowledge and guidance of Cacao Deva which is evident from her personal experience with the medicine and years of devotion. Throughout the journey together, I felt supported in exploring my potential, discovering new things about myself and moving through challenges that arose on the path. As I move out the other side of the course, I am equipped with tools to support my continued exploration of the dreamscape, a concrete plan for acting on my dreams, and a renewed sense of purpose in myself. I highly recommend the Medicine Woman training to anyone who is curious to explore their deepest potential with the support of a seasoned guide and Cacao Deva herself.


— Esme, United States



My journey with cacao started many years ago but took a deeper dive when I studied with Serap a few years back in Berlin. Since then I have been on a retreat with you and have recently completed the Cacao Mama Medicine Woman Training. I feel blessed to have been part of this training and can only recommend it to any sister out there who is looking to find her voice, to feel empowered by the support of a great teacher and a group of wonderful women. Serap has the capacity for holding the space safely and kindly. Layers are dissolving and new grounds are being discovered. The process is still taking place and I feel this new energy making its way through me and my life. An initiation happened,  witnessed and experienced by many sisters on the same path, one of empowerment, healing, love and self love. Thank you from the bottom of my heart"


— Sandrine Giacobino, London



You guided us through these times of big change on a global scale into deep transformational work and created a magic circle, a magic bond, between us, sisters. I could look at important parts of myself, that were not healed yet, and heal them: in the loving arms of Mama Cacao. Throughout this training also my website was born: www.the-freedom-tribe.com A space for of healers, energy workers and therapists to co-create offerings together for a conscious awakening in connectedness.  This creation would not have been possible without The Cacao Medicine Woman training.  My words are more kind now, my thoughts don‘t own me anymore, and my huge Love and highest excitement don’t scare me anymore. I can be in service now in a new quality and higher frequency. Golden Mama Cacao is now visible to me every day, whenever I step into my unconditional Love. I see and feel her inside of me when I teach and hold space. She holds me. In deep gratefulness I can tell you that this precious training held me during the lockdowns and in my healing and creative process. 


— Sandra Schider, Austria



I offer you deep gratitude and blessings for offering, holding and guiding the portal of imbolc cacao ceremony. I did not have any clear visions, but several times throughout the ceremony I had a deep and almost overwhelming sense of love from the cacao spirit. She brought tears to my eyes and made it clear how she has been slowly and gently opening my heart for several years without me "knowing". I offered my heart and service to her and placed it in the cauldron. My heart was given back to me, almost as if it were repaired. Not too long after the ceremony my attention was called to a heart shaped stone I recently purchased to nestle in the soil of one of our houseplants. The stone is dark brown with creamy white dots and swirls... The appearance is identical to that of the raw cacao I used for the ceremony.. a symbol. I am humbled by the experience and the amount of love I received. I can only hope to share that love and light with others. 

— Eric, United States



Thank you deeply from my heart and soul to your sister and medicine woman. I am so grateful to have listened to my intuition that almost without information showed me the way to you. Synchronistically. Magically. When technology does this I call it "sacred technology". Thank you for leading our paths to cross each other. Serap, you hold the most wonderful sacred deep loving alchemical space. Your communion with the Spirit Keeper of Cacao in all of its forms has transformed me through your and Its transmission. The circle of women you called magnetically to sit in the ceremony added to the magic and wonder of this journey. Many magics happened during the time we journeyed together, too many to share in written form in an email. I can summarise them by saying how each one of us in the circle held a different tune that when joined in ceremony became an empowering harmony. My wish for you is to keep shining your light so brightly that together we can co-create a new reality for our Pachamama.


— Valerie Shakti Bottazzi, Italy



The medicine woman training was life changing for me. I received so many deep insights from the Cacao spirit and the Spiritkeeper, a whole new inner world opened up for me. Over the whole time of the course I felt so safely held from our amazing group of women and from the loving guidance of Serap. I loved how she empowered every woman to trust in her own wisdom and to weave her unique medicine into the circle. The structure of the course was absolutely right for me, there was enough time to process the lectures and insights and to integrate everything into my daily life. Serap's teaching is deeply connected to her shamanic experience, full of wisdom, joy and devotion for the Cacao Spirit. I feel honoured and full of gratitude having been part of this amazing journey!

— Susanne Fastje, Germany




Serap Kara for CACAO MAMA • © 2014 - 2024 • made with stellar earth ❤ in Berlin • privacy policy