cacao mama earth school berlin


Mother Earth is calling in her Guardians. 

Earth is a global cosmic space inside of you, and you are the perfect reflection of her elements. 

Re-connect with the cycles of Nature.

Ground deeply and feel welcome on this Earth Plane.

Nourish what is dear to you.


Earth is calling in the Guardians of the Soul.

Establish an intimate relationship with your Self.

Embody your gifts, talents and soul purpose.

Act with the sense and power of self-knowledge.

Be in tune with the universal heartbeat. 


Earth is calling in the Dreamers.

Dare to vision.

Activate your Wisdom Memory.

Re-vision the past, and build bridges to the future.

Keep weaving the Universe.


Earth is born of a universal vision. 

Together we dream the New Earth into reality.


The Earth School is the New Heart of Cacao Mama. Here, we interweave modern and ancient knowledge to serve a healing for our relationship with Mother Earth. We offer guidance, wisdom, teachings, lectures and tools for the evolution of the Self. To nourish precious Life that is in alignment with the universal matrix  of structure, harmony and global interconnection. 


The Earth School is a School of Vision. We aim to weave a Mandala of metaphysical concepts; energetic healing, the shamanic & angelic realm, the Wisdom of Master Plants, sacred geometry, inner & global resources and Earth inspired wisdom to empower & awaken the Earth & Wisdom Keepers, Earth Speakers and Earth Healers.



Source - Self Empowerment

Sacred Plants - Master & Teacher Plant Studies

Sacred Arts - Sacred Space & Sacred Art Studies

Education - Sacred Networks & Interconnections

Giving Back - Preserving Earth's most precious treasures

cacao mama earth school berlin
© Grit Siwonia


Serap Kara for CACAO MAMA • © 2014 - 2025 • made with stellar earth ❤ • privacy policy